Sacred Groves Knowledge Base

Sacred Groves is a platform dedicated to protecting our natural habitats. Get involved, be inspired and make a difference.

What is the process for accepting a gifted Sacred Groves Cluster?

The process of accepting the Gift of Sacred Groves Clusters is very simple and takes only a few minutes.

Step 1 – Get notified!
You will receive a notification (email/ in-app) with the details of your Gift eg. the sender, the gift card, number of SGCs, etc. Click on the link and Sign up/ Login with the same email address. Please remember the Gift has an acceptance validity of 30 days so please sign up before that!

Step 2 – Sign Up as a Guardian OR Login to your account
(a) On the web application Sign Up ( as a Guardian OR Login (
(b) On the mobile application, download the Sacred Groves app from the Apple App Store or Android Google Play.

Step 3 – Enjoy the Sacred Groves experience!
Your Gift reflects on your dashboard almost instantly when you sign up (if you are a new Guardian) or the moment it is sent to you, if you are an existing Guardian. On the dashboard, you can see your impact – area protected, biodiversity coverage, carbon sequestered and pollution removed over a ten year period. You will also have access to habitat level indicators like real time weather conditions, images of the habitat, Surveyor’s Report, etc.